Algorithmic trading | Is Algo Trading legal in India


What is algorithmic trading?

Algorithmic trading, commonly known as algo trading, is a method of executing financial orders using pre-programmed automated trading instructions. In recent years, it has gained significant popularity in India, revolutionizing the way trading is conducted. With the advent of technology, algo trading has captured the attention of traders in India. It promises efficiency, speed, and precision, but questions about its legality persist. Algo trading is profitable when you choose the best algo trading platforms, considering your risks and limitations. This article explores the legal aspects of algo trading in India, shedding light on the regulatory framework and guidelines set by the relevant authorities. We also answer your questions, “Is algo trading safe?” or “Is algo trading legal in India?”

The Basics of Algorithmic Trading

1. How Algorithmic Trading Works: At its core, algo trading relies on computer algorithms to make trading decisions. These algorithms analyze vast amounts of data and execute orders based on predefined criteria.

2. Key Features of Algo Trading: Algo trading encompasses a set of crucial components, including trading algorithms, market data feeds, and order execution systems. Understanding these elements is essential for market participants.

3. The Role of Algorithms: Algorithms are the heart of algo trading. They not only drive the trading process but also define the strategies, risk management, and execution tactics.

Is algorithmic trading legal in India?

Yes, algo trading is legal in India. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has implemented regulations for algorithmic trading in India, and all algorithmic trading systems must be certified by SEBI-approved certification agencies. However, algorithmic trading is subject to various regulations and restrictions, and traders must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. It’s the answer to “Is algo trading legal in India?”

Algorithmic Trading Regulations in India

Going on, there are three points to remember regarding the SEBI-proposed regulations that control algo trading in India. The first is the audit standards, which require every algo trading firm to undergo semi-annual audits by licensed auditors. The exchange also needs you to follow specific order execution requirements. Finally, if you intend to trade commodities using algorithms, you must follow additional regulations. This helps to choose safe algo trading platforms in India.

The Future of Algo Trading in India

The future of algorithmic trading in India appears bright, as numerous brokers are attempting to make algo trading more accessible. India is already projected to have 50-60% algo trading penetration; however, this statistic is primarily made up of institutions. Simultaneously, wealthy economies such as the United States experience a significant proportion of algorithmic trades. Having said that, we should expect to see more traders shift to algorithmic trading in the future as technological advances make it more accessible.

Best Practices for Algo Traders

  • Building compliant trading strategies: Market participants should develop trading strategies that align with SEBI's regulations and guidelines.

  • Staying informed and adapting: Remaining informed about regulatory changes and being adaptable is critical for success in algo trading.

  • Ethical Considerations in Algo Trading: Ethical considerations, including fairness, transparency, and integrity, should be at the forefront of every algo trader's approach.

Choosing the Right Algo Trading Platforms in India

In India, there are many algo trading platforms available. In recent years, one platform, “Combiz Services Pvt. Ltd," has gained popularity because of its quality services and features. Combiz Services can develop your trading strategies and indicators and automate trading according to your needs. Combiz Services helps to build algorithmic trading strategies. Remember that Combiz Services Private Limited is not an "algo trading platform"; they only develop your trading strategies. Visit its official website for more details: "".


The legal framework for algo trading in India is well-established and allows for its practice, provided regulations are followed. Market participants can confidently engage in algo trading by understanding the legal landscape and adhering to regulations. With the right knowledge and adherence to legal requirements, algo trading is poised to play a pivotal role in India's evolving financial markets.