What Is Master and Child Account in Copy Trading


Copy trading has emerged as a popular investment strategy, allowing individuals to replicate the trades of experienced traders. In this article, we will explore the concept of master and child accounts in copy trading, shedding light on how these accounts function and the benefits they offer to both seasoned traders and novice investors.

Understanding Copy Trading

Copy trading enables investors to automatically replicate the trading activities of successful traders. By linking their accounts to a master trader, investors can copy their trades in real-time, capitalizing on their expertise.

The Role of Master Accounts

The master account is generally also called Parent Account. A master account is typically managed by an experienced trader or professional trading manager. This account serves as the source of trading signals that are automatically transmitted to the connected child accounts. The master account holder's trading decisions, such as opening and closing positions, are replicated across all associated child accounts.

Child Accounts Explained

Child accounts are the recipient accounts that copy the trading activities of the master account. Investors who opt for copy trading open child accounts, linking them to the master account of their choice. These accounts receive trading signals from the master account, which are then executed within the child account according to predefined parameters, such as position sizing and risk management settings.

Benefits for Master Account Holders

  • Additional Income: Master trading account holders can earn additional income by allowing other investors to copy their trades. They may receive a share of the profits generated by the child accounts, typically in the form of performance fees.

  • Expanded Reach: Copy trading platforms provide master account holders with an opportunity to showcase their trading skills to a wider audience. Successful traders can attract more followers, potentially increasing their influence and reputation within the trading community.

  • Diversification: By accumulating a substantial number of child accounts, master account holders can diversify their trading strategies across various investors. This diversification helps spread risk and reduces dependence on the performance of a single account.

Benefits for Child Account Holders

  • Access to Expertise: Copy trading allows novice investors to tap into the expertise of seasoned traders without having to possess extensive knowledge or experience in the financial markets. By copying the trades of successful traders, they can potentially achieve similar investment outcomes.

  • Time Efficiency: Copy trading eliminates the need for constant monitoring of the markets and conducting in-depth research. Child account holders can rely on the trading decisions of the master account holder, saving time and effort while still participating in the financial markets.

  • Learning Opportunity: Copy trading can serve as an educational tool for aspiring traders. By observing and analyzing the trades executed by the master account, child account holders can gain valuable insights into trading strategies, risk management techniques, and market dynamics.


Master and child accounts in copy trading provide a bridge between experienced traders and novice investors, offering benefits to both parties. Master account holders can monetize their skills and expand their influence, while child account holders gain access to expert strategies and potentially enhance their investment returns.

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