Mirror Trading vs Copy Trading


If you're interested in trading in the financial markets, you may have come across the terms "mirror trading" and "copy trading." There are some significant differences between the two strategies, even though they both involve copying the trades of other investors. In this guide, we'll explore what mirror trading and copy trading are and how they differ from each other.

What is Mirror Trading?

 Mirror trading involves setting up an automated system that replicates the trades of a selected trader. This means that when the trader makes a trade, the same trade is automatically executed in your account. Mirror trading is a more passive approach to trading, as you don't have to actively manage your trades. The trader who is being copied is often referred to as the "signal provider," and their trades are mirrored in the account of the trader who is copying them. Mirror trading is frequently used by traders who want to mirror the strategies of profitable traders without having to invest a lot of time in their own market research.

How Does Mirror Trading Work?

Mirror trading works by using a computer program to automatically execute trades in the account of the trader who is copying another trader's trades. The trader who is being copied is often a successful trader with a proven track record, and their trades are mirrored in real-time in the account of the trader who is copying them. The trader who is copying the trades can set parameters for the trades, such as the amount of money to invest and the level of risk they are willing to take. Mirror trading can be a useful tool for traders who want to follow the strategies of successful traders without having to spend time analyzing the markets themselves.

Advantages of Mirror Trading 

  • Can follow the strategies of successful traders without having to analyze the markets themselves

  • Trades are executed automatically in real-time

  • Can set parameters for trades, such as amount of money to invest and level of risk

Disadvantages of Mirror Trading

  • Relies heavily on the success of the trader being copied

  • It may not be suitable for all traders, as it requires a certain level of trust in the trader being copied

  • Can be expensive, as some mirror trading platforms charge high fees

What is Copy Trading?

Copy trading is a method of trading in which a trader copies the trades of another trader. This is done through copy trading software or a copy trading platform that allows traders to connect and share their trading strategies. The trader being copied is often referred to as the "signal provider" and the trader copying their trades is referred to as the "follower". The follower can set parameters for the trades they want to copy, such as the amount of money to invest and the level of risk they are willing to take. The trades are executed automatically in real-time, so the follower does not need to analyze the markets themselves.

How Does Copy Trading Work?

Copy trading works by allowing traders to automatically copy the trades of another trader, known as the signal provider. The follower sets parameters for the trades they want to copy, such as the amount of money to invest and the level of risk they are willing to take. The trades are executed in real-time, so the follower does not need to analyze the markets themselves. 

Advantages of copy trading include

  • Easy to use for beginners

  • Saves time and effort

  • Can learn from experienced traders

  • Diversifies trading portfolio

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